I have to be honest right now, I feel fucking shitty. I don't know what it is. Maybe It's close to that time of the month, whoop dee do. I just feel like sometimes I'm not going anywhere in life. I don't feel like I have real goals.. I guess I just hate the feeling of not having a REAL one. I envy people who actually have determined goals. Blah. I feel like time is running out and I still don't got a fucking idea what I want for myself. It sucks. Theres a big world out there and no matter what you want to do, there is always gonna be other people thinking and wanting the same thing and you somehow have to get it before anyone else does. I just don't think I have what it takes. Talk about having the lowest self motivation.. eh.
I am still awake. It is 7 in the freakin morning. what the hell. I took new pictures and I honestly did not want to go to sleep until I finished editing the ones I liked the most. My cs4 photoshop died, so I had to use this old version..blah patriotic, hippie , what ever you want it call it. The sun glasses were my boyfriends, he used it for a costume. Not to mention I was high when I took these.
best lipstick I own. It's a perfect shade of red. :) The name of the color is "box"
Omar Alfredo Rodriguez-Lopez, a truly talented, and genius man. Tonight I felt like I fell in love all over again with this solo. I will never get tired of it.
Happy Mother's Day! It's 5:30 and I should be asleep by now to accompany my mom tomorrow but I guess I wont sleep. Times like these remind me how much I should kick myself in the ass and get job, cause I really wish I could give something to my mom. I wanted to paint her something but I just don't know if she'll like my abstract art..She really doesn't look too deep into that kinda stuff.. blah. There really shouldn't be an excuse but I do love her.
Man, with college being over, it's been fun. I guess right now I'm loving the feeling of being around friends..It's been a long time since I've had that feeling..