Austin Power Plant. The most interesting venue I've ever been to.
Inside the power plant (the picture sucks but it really did look awesome)
zechs marquise (ughh I hate being 5'2)
Marcel & Marfred Rodriguez Lopez from Zechs Marquise
When the concert was over some random dude reached over and got his extra pics from the mic and I yelled "dude gimmeeh one" and he was nice enough to hand me one :D
Best shirt ever, I don't want to stop wearing it.
Austin dank is always necessary (chronic)
Beautiful new bong that my boyfriend and I pitched in for
One of my very good friends kristine ❤
My goodman stevie!
"hey cupcake" is always a must.
BEAUTIFUL BONG! omg have to get one. Do you really got pictures of weed on your blog? Pretty brave thing, have to give some respect!: D